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How to Master the Art of Closing a Call: A Guide for Small Businesses

By Matt O'Haver

Last modified: December 18, 2023

Learn How to Close More Calls — Or Let Go Answer Handle Them for You

For small businesses, every phone call is an opportunity — to make a sale, to impress a client, or to build a lasting relationship. However, just as important as how you start a conversation is how you end it. The closing of a call is crucial; it leaves a lasting impression and can be the difference between a successful interaction and a missed opportunity. But if you find this challenging, or simply don’t have the time to manage calls effectively, outsourcing call answering could be your ideal solution.

Why the Close Matters

The end of a call is what most customers remember. A well-handled closing ensures the conversation ends on a positive note, regardless of its purpose or content. It confirms that you value the customer’s time and business, and leaves the door open for future interactions.

Tips for an Effective Call Closing

  1. Summarize the Call

Recap the key points discussed. This shows attentiveness and ensures both parties are on the same page. For instance, “To summarize, I will send the proposal by tomorrow afternoon, and we will schedule a follow-up call next week.”

  1. Answer All Queries

Before closing, ask if there are any more questions. This demonstrates thoroughness and reduces the likelihood of follow-up calls for minor queries. A simple “Is there anything else I can assist you with today?” suffices.

  1. End with a Forward-Looking Statement

Give your customer something to look forward to. Whether it’s a follow-up call, an email, or the next steps in your service, ending with a future action keeps the relationship active.

  1. Use Polite and Positive Language

Always end the call positively. Phrases like “Thank you for your time today” or “It was a pleasure speaking with you” leave a good impression.

  1. Offer Additional Assistance

Let the customer know you are available for further help. This can be as simple as saying, “If you have any more questions, feel free to reach out.”

  1. Close Gracefully

End the call with a friendly and professional closing statement, like “Have a great day” or “Thank you for calling [Your Company Name].”

Challenges in Call Closing

Despite best efforts, closing a call effectively can be challenging, especially when:

  • Dealing with Difficult Conversations: Sometimes calls can be stressful or confrontational. It’s essential to remain calm and professional throughout.
  • Faced with Time Constraints: In a busy small business setting, spending too much time on calls can be impractical.
  • Lack of Training: Not everyone has natural phone etiquette or the training to handle calls optimally.

The Solution: Outsourcing Call Answering

If you’re struggling with these challenges, or simply can’t afford to spend too much time on the phone, consider outsourcing your call answering. Here’s how it can benefit your business:

  • Professional Handling of Calls

Outsourced teams are trained in customer service and phone etiquette, ensuring every call is handled professionally and effectively.

  • Time-Saving

Delegating call answering frees up your time to focus on core business activities. It’s an efficient way to manage your workload without compromising customer service.

  • Flexibility

Most outsourcing services are scalable and customizable. Whether you need full-time support or just after-hours coverage, there’s an option to suit your needs.

  • Cost-Effective

Hiring a full-time receptionist can be expensive for a small business. Outsourcing is a cost-effective solution that provides professional service without the overhead of a full-time employee.

  • Consistency in Service

With a team dedicated to answering calls, you ensure consistent quality and tone in customer interactions, which is crucial for building your brand’s reputation.

  • Peace of Mind

Knowing that your calls are being handled by professionals allows you to focus on other aspects of your business with peace of mind.

Let Go Answer Close Your Calls for You

While mastering the art of closing calls is crucial, it’s equally important to recognize when outsourcing can be a strategic move for your business. We are your ideal partner, offering seamless, professional call answering services tailored to your business needs. With Go Answer, you’re not just outsourcing calls; you’re enhancing your customer engagement, ensuring every call is handled with the utmost professionalism and efficiency. Free up valuable time and resources and focus on growing your business while we expertly manage your customer communications. It’s more than just a service; it’s a partnership for success. Get started today.